Friday, January 16, 2009

Casual Friday

I woke up this morning with a skull crushing headache. The feeling might be compared to that of a freight train sitting on top of my head with it's whistle stuck at full blast. It hurts!

I had every intention of going back to bed after the boy left for school, but of course I rarely follow through with that sort of plan. Instead, I ended up taking some extra strength pain reliever and attempting to go about my business.

I did allow myself to forego any attempt to get out of my pajamas and into real clothes. Neither did I bother with any application of makeup or fixing of my hair. My business is run from the comfort of my home and since I am not seeing any face to face clients today, I figured "Why not?"

Around ten o'clock I started to feel a bit guilty about still being in my pjs and looking like a rumpled mess. Sure, I'd managed to get a few things accomplished despite my state of dis-array, but thoughts of unexpected visitors ringing my doorbell began to haunt me. Maybe my decision not to get dressed for the day wasn't such a good one after all.

Then I had a "second thought" about the matter!

By golly, it's FRIDAY! Is it not still a common practice of many businesses to observe "Casual Friday" where the employees are encouraged to show up at the office "dressed down" a bit?

So, it stands to reason that since my usual work day attire (if I don't have any face to face meetings) is jeans and a sweater, then my "Casual Friday" attire would be a step down from that.

And a step down from jeans and sweaters would naturally be ......

PAJAMAS and house slippers!

What a liberating moment that was for me!

I am proud to announce the premier of "Casual Fridays" here at the "offices" of "Bold New Day, LLC"/ "World Ventures"/ "Rovia Travel" / "Taylor Electric Service". In an attempt to boost the morale of our office CEO / Life Coach / Secretary / Housekeeper (all of which would be ME) The practice of changing out of one's pj's, applying makeup, brushing hair or any other similar task, on Fridays will be purely optional and done so only at MY discretion!

(Just be sure and call ahead if you're planning on stopping by, OK?)

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