Thursday, March 26, 2009

That's Not Funny!

It's been a while since I've blogged. Wow! Time goes by quickly, doesn't it?

I've had a good reason. I like to keep this particular blog light hearted and humorous. It doesn't seem there's been a lot to laugh about lately. I was waiting until this season passed to write again, but at this point I have no idea when that's going to happen.

So I just thought I'd stop by and say "hello" and let everyone know I didn't drop off the planet (although there have been times over the last few weeks when I would have enjoyed that.)

I pray everyone is well and prosperous!

I'll be back when I start having funny thoughts again. :0)


Friday, March 6, 2009

In The Dark


Mr. Taylor is out of town and I don't know how to operate the majority of our house lights.

You think I'm kidding? Well, I'm not.

Such occurrences are common in the Taylor household. My wonderful husband, having a tangent for all things electrical, likes to periodically re-program the automated lighting system in our home.

Apparently he grew bored with the way things were working sometime between the last time he went out of town without me, and yesterday when he left again.

I discovered that fact in the early evening when I realized it was growing dark outside and neither the lights in the keeping room or living room had turned themselves on yet.

For a good ten minutes I plundered around in the twilight looking for the magic box that dictates such matters. The last time I was in this position, both sets could be controlled by a gadget that sits on our bedside stand. Obviously that has changed and no one bothered to send me a memo.

I finally met with success when I recalled seeing a new magic box sitting on the end table in the keeping room. Feeling my way back through the house, I located it and repeatedly pressed buttons until Voila'!

There was light!

After that, all was well in my little corner of the world until 11:00 p.m. which happens to be the designated hour for "lights out". At that time I was sitting on the bed watching videos on my laptop computer when I heard the tell-tale click that accompanies the night-time darkness through out the house.

Except for the glow of my computer screen, I found myself once again sitting unwittingly alone in the dark.

Thank goodness the magic box that sits beside our bed still works for our master bedroom lights! Otherwise I would have been forced to go right to sleep.

Which probably would have been a good idea given the fact that at promptly 6:30 a.m. 365 days a year, our room lights up as bright as the noon day sun! There are no pesky, noise making alarm clocks for us! Instead it's wakey wakey, rise and shine via a bright light in my face ... whether I need it or not.

While, in time I usually manage to figure out how to work the rest of the lighting mechanisms, I've never mastered the "alarm lights" that faithfully announce the break of dawn. Because I was clueless as to how to turn the darn thing off, I use to unplug the clock before I went to bed if I didn't otherwise have to wake up at the 6:30 the next morning.

Eventually I succumbed to the powers that be and learned to deal with it.

Oddly enough I am not technically challenged. I do have a degree in science. Back in the days of working in the hospital lab, my job required a decent knowledge of instrumentation. I could dis-assemble a number of extravagantly expensive pieces of medical equipment, put them back together and calibrate them without blinking an eye.

And yet I am challenged by a matter so simple as turning my own house lights off and on.

I have to wonder if keeping me in the dark is my husband's way of making himself feel needed. With that in mind, I suppose it really is a small price to pay.