The week got off to a rather bumpy start. Adam woke up with one of his ocular migraines so I sent him back to bed, where he remains even as I type. I was planning to let him sleep it off, then take him to school for a late check-in, but seeing as how it is 1:30 in the afternoon, I realize that's not going to happen.
Nursing a headache of my own, I eased into the day by going back to bed for a couple hours myself. As usually happens when I am "oversleeping", I soon started having weird dreams. Not long after I drifted off, my rather angry husband appeared by my bedside. It turned out I'd forgotten to pick him up at the airport. I could have sworn he wasn't due in until tomorrow. Before I could explain and apologize, he disappeared and was replaced by the school principal who was equally unhappy that I'd allowed Adam to stay home. Understanding, even in my state of slumber that my brain telling me I was sleeping too much, I roused myself and pushed into my normal Monday routine.
Monday is my designated day for housecleaning and preparation for the coming week. I like to get the work out of the way just in case something potentially enjoyable happens Tuesday through Friday, which of course would require that I be free of pesky obligations such as dusting furniture and cleaning toilets.
This concept goes along with the philosophy: "Eat a live toad for breakfast and you can rest assured that nothing worse is going to happen to you for the rest of the day."
I know, I know, it's gross but I read that somewhere years ago and have never forgotten it. I've lived most of my life following that mindset. Get the stuff you dread doing out of the way first so you don't have it hanging over your head all day (or in this case all week)
The truth is, I know if I don't do it first, I will find some excuse not to do it at all.
Now, it's early afternoon and my house is nice and fresh. Besides the piddly little daily tasks like making the bed and running the "Swiffer" broom over the wood floors to suck up the dog hair, I am DONE!
Maybe I'm just too easy to please, but it's pretty amazing how good it feels to have Monday morning out of the way. Now it's on to bigger, better, more exciting things. Bring on the week! I'm ready.
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