Monday, October 25, 2010

Imaginary Jobs - Imaginary Money - Imaginary Right to Child Support

I filed an appeal to the decision the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) made concerning my employment status. It was rejected.

Their excuse: I didn't send it in on time.

Their suggestion: Hire an attorney and take it back to court.

Um, ok. Like it wouldn't take a couple years to work through the system, not to mention if I could afford an attorney, I wouldn't be filing for an increase in child support. Adam will be eighteen in about a year and a half, and then the child support ends anyway. I need it NOW.

Walt and I were watching a report about the economy on the news last night. They showed a room packed full of 40, 50 and 60 something year old people who have been looking for work for two years now. They have exhausted their unemployment benefits. Most of them had college degrees, many on a masters level yet there they are now,some of them teetering on the edge of homelessness.

Walt looked at me and said, "Oh, but just imagine how much they should be making with the degrees they all hold."

It was a joke, of course. If the nationwide mindset was like that of the CSEA and my ex husband, that whole room full of people would be expected to live off their imaginary incomes.

The CSEA is out of touch with reality in my opinion.

The ex? Not only is he out of touch with reality, after ten years, he's still proving to me why he's the "ex" to begin with!

I've been repenting daily for my attitude toward the system. I've been asking God to forgive me for the way I feel about the ex at the moment. It's not healthy for me.

So ... Bless 'em Lord! (And thank YOU for being my true Provider!)

Becky Taylor

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