Saturday, May 8, 2010

Woe is Me ... Slobberin' In My Mothers Day Tea ,,,

My husband asked me yesterday what I would like for Mothers Day. I told him I only wanted my kids all together with me for the afternoon.

Then we laughed.

We laughed just like we laugh at some point around all the holidays when I say how much I'd like my kids (and grand kids, of course) together to celebrate with me.

We laugh at ourselves for thinking for one milli-second that it could actually ever happen.

It isn't like I have a dozen children. I only have three, two of which are grown with families of their own. One is still at home, and although I suppose he'll be here with me tomorrow in the technical sense of the word, his mind couldn't be farther from "Mothers Day".

He's fifteen, so I can't fault him all that much. He's thinking right now about computers, girls, and getting his license this summer. (In that order)

The boy did clean his room thoroughly yesterday. I could fantasize that he was doing that as a gift to me, but of course I know better. He wants to have a friend over this afternoon and was trying to increase the odds of me saying "yes".

I feel like some sort of oddity. I can't remember ever having all my kids together with me for Mothers Day, much less it being any kind of day to be celebrated.

My youngest daughter,Emily has spent Mothers Day weekend with me a few times. Those have been my favorites. A couple years back, we went to the Renaissance Fair together. That was a blast! The year after that she and her family spent the weekend with us and we had a "regular" Mothers Day weekend which included a picnic at the lake. It too, was loads of fun!

My second-born can't be here all the time but she has a way of making every day we are together "Mothers Day" for me. That definitely puts a permanent smile across my heart.

It isn't her fault she can't be here tomorrow. I totally understand.

I also have to take partial responsibility for making it difficult for my children to be together. I was the one who moved to Georgia, over five hundred miles away from "home". It isn't like they can "pop in" after church to take me to dinner.

No. It would take some effort. Far be it from me to expect that.

(Although I could mention that it never seemed to be any more likely to happen before I moved away)

As far as my own mother is concerned, I know I wasn't the "perfect" daughter when it came to Mothers Day either. I'm sure there's more I could have done to make her feel special that day in May. I was, however, at her house nearly every Sunday of my adult life before I moved.

I know I sound like I'm whining. I really don't mean to be. Part of my problem is that I am unusually bored with life in general right now. When I get bored I daydream about nonsensical stuff ... like taking off on a world cruise ... moving to a deserted island somewhere ... hitting the lottery (so I can afford the first two daydreams) ... or having all my kids together with me to celebrate Mothers Day.

I'll put my soapbox away now ... at least until August when my fiftieth birthday will be rolling around. For that, I've had a long-standing fantasy about all my children and their kids spending two weeks with me in Mexico, where I would watch my grand-children play on the beach, then spend the evening of my birthday ushering in the second century of my life in great style.

I've told them all in no uncertain terms what I've envisioned my big 5-0 birthday party to look like, Mexican beach and grand-babies included. Lets just say we know already that isn't going to be happening. I'm not being negative, but rather realistic, when I say that. It's a fact, there are extenuating circumstances in place that will definitely prevent it from coming to pass.

Oh well! Such is life. I will survive!

If you still have your Mother with you, it isn't too late to make her day tomorrow truly special. The greatest thing you can give her is not "presents" but your presence and your love. C'mon. It's ONE day out of the year. It isn't going to kill you! And, after she's gone, you won't kick yourself nearly as hard for never having taken the time and effort to appreciate her while she was alive.

Happy Mothers Day!

Now, I think I'm going to go rent myself some substitute grand children and head to the lake!

Becky Taylor
Bold New Day! LLC
Personal Development Coaching for Women

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