My dog, Jordan, is twelve years old and definitely showing the signs of old age. (Aren't we all?) He's seems to be having a little more difficulty than usual these last couple weeks.
It probably has something to do with us having company, the full moon, and the cooler weather.
The poor old guy is deaf and has bad hips. His OCD tendencies are also getting worse with age. He's a sheltie and they're known for liking to have things just "so-so". They don't deal all that well with change.
So, as I was saying ... Jordan woke me up to go outside at 2:30 this morning. At least he's still waking me up to go out, and not doing his business in the house, right?
I let him out the front door, then walked to the kitchen to get him the treat he always expects when he comes back in. It took me about 30 seconds. When I got back to the front door, I couldn't see him in the yard anywhere.
Oh brother!
I walked out onto the sidewalk to see if he'd gone around the corner. He wasn't anywhere in sight.
Then it occurred to me that I was standing out there in my pajamas, alone at 2:30 in the morning under the light of the full moon, and no one in the house knew I was even awake, much less outside.
I suppose I watch too many crime and forensics shows because all sorts of things started running through my mind.
For starters, there are coyotes in the woods surrounding our cul-de-sac. I was concerned that one could grab my poor little dog (or even me) a bit too easily.
I also realized my husband was sound asleep and would not likely hear me scream.
The boy may, or may not hear me should I scream in the midst of a grizzly demise, but chances are he'd roll over and go back to sleep anyway.
So, there I was outside in my pj's looking for my dog (who couldn't hear me calling him) in the middle of the night under a full moon, the week of Halloween no less.
Did I mention I probably watch too many crime shows?
I decided to wake my husband so he could help me look for Jordan. At least then I'd have an eye witness should a coyote (or serial killer) attack. I was on my way back to the house when I spotted Jordan's tracks in the dew on the grass. They seemed to lead to the neighbors yard.
I followed them, and sure enough there came my dog walking up the neighbor's driveway in no particular hurry. My guess is he saw their porch light on (it usually isn't) and got confused about which house he was suppose to return to.
The neighbors live down the hill from us and it's quite a jaunt for an old dog with bad hips, so who knows the real reason he was down there. I'm just glad I found him before either of us were attacked and dismembered.
It was a bit scary but I'll still go in search of my dog in the middle of the night if the need arises. I'm just thinking I'll carry a weapon from now on.
Becky Taylor
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