Monday, July 19, 2010

Thirty One? Are You Kidding Me?

According to some dim-witted report I heard on a news shows this morning, a woman is at her "most beautiful" at age thirty-one.

What the ....?

Is it just me, or is that not one of the craziest things you've ever heard?

Unless you happen to be a thirty-one year old woman, and even then you might find this report a bit disturbing ... depending on whether or not you're pleased with your appearance at this particular age. If you're not, well you might be thinking "Oh great! So this is as good as it gets! Pass the double chocolate chip ice cream please, I'm doomed!"

Then there are the rest of us who passed that so-called age of "perfection" without even realizing it.

I'm sorry, but I didn't need this kind of depressing information less than four weeks before my fiftieth birthday, (and nearly nineteen years after my thirty-first!)

What ever happened to "Fifty is the new thirty"? Even then, they were referring to a state of youth and not necessarily "beauty". (Didn't someone actually say that recently, or is that something I made up myself? We old, out of shape, way past our prime women tend to be delusional, after all.)

Seriously though. Where did the people who came up with that answer to the question, "At what age is a woman the most beautiful?" get their information, and why did it merit fifteen seconds of fame on the morning news?

For that matter, why did anyone feel the need to pin "most beautiful" to any particular age in the first place?

I protest and I believe all other non-thirty-one year old women should do the same. "Beauty" cannot be assigned an age at which it peaks. Shame on whomever it was who decided differently.

I'm fairly certain we haven't heard the last of this one, folks. Just wait until the "Dove Campaign for Real Beauty" people get their hands on this information! Surely they'll set some people straight on the matter.

In the mean time, here's to the truly beautiful people, no matter how old (or young) you may be.

Becky J. Taylor
July 19, 2010

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