This blog isn't turning out quite like I'd pictured. As a matter of fact, the end product doesn't resemble my vision in the least.
When I wrote the last post, I reported the recent burning of my very important bridge to my "happy place". I also mentioned that I was clinging to the slightest possibility of little elves sneaking in and reconstructing it for me as a birthday surprise.
Yesterday I discovered the elves had been assassinated as well! I found their pitiful little carcasses scattered all over the place ... innocent victims of a malicious ex (or more likely his current wife.) Ugh!
No, make that double Ugh!
When is this going to end?
Why does it suddenly seem that life is out to get me?
Honestly, I started this blog with every intention of having fun with it ... lots of fun! Never did I intend it to turn into a whiny melodrama!
I'm a nice person. I always try to do what is right. I firmly (or at least use to) believe that one reaps what one sows.
Sow sweetness, reap cotton candy!
Sow nastiness, reap raw sewage!
Obviously the lines have been criss-crossed somewhere along the way because this definitely isn't cotton candy I'm standing in up to my armpits right now.
In summery: The ex (and his wife) have decided to appeal the court's decision to increase child support for the boy. This, despite the fact I am sitting on thousands of dollars of unpaid medical bills which the ex (and his wife) have refused to help pay.
This, despite the fact my income has steadily declined to almost nothing over the last several years, thanks to the economy.
This, despite the fact I've not asked for, or received a single increase for eight years. Meanwhile, they tried to get it decreased three years ago.
This despite the fact the ex has had a steady, well paying job the whole time. (For whatever reason,the lousy economy chose to spare him any grief.)
Oh, also despite the fact he's not spent one red cent on our son above what the court has insisted he pay.
I could go on, but I'll just move right to the real clincher.
The hearing is scheduled for AUGUST 12th in OHIO!
By some twist of fate, my two year long dream of spending the week of my birthday with my husband, kids, and grand-kids on a beach in Mexico has gradually been reduced to "celebrating" by sitting in a stuffy office in Ohio across the table from the ex (and God help me, probably his wife) trying to prove I'm not hiding a ton of money some place just to spite them.
I know that's why they appealed the court's decision to increase my son's support by a whopping $175.00/mo plus make him pay half of the boy's medical bills because I talked to the CSEA case worker today and she told me so!
Trust me. If I had a ton of money, hidden or otherwise, I wouldn't think of bothering the ex for help of any kind (even though he owes it to our son)
If I had a ton of money (or even just a little to spare) I'd be on that beach in Mexico sipping on a cold, fruity drink right now, any thoughts of the ex (or his wife) the absolute farthest thing from my mind!
Here I am instead. No Mexico. No Beach. No Big 50th Birthday Bash. No Money.
Just lots of aggravation and questions I'd like to have answered.
On second thought, forget about at least one of those questions. I'm afraid to ask "What next?" at this point. Given my current run of bad luck, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like the answer.
Poor me ... even worse, poor little elves!
Becky Taylor
July 30, 2010
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