Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ich lerne Deutsch zu sprechen

Ich lerne Deutsch zu sprechen
(I am learning to speak German!)

OK, I'll admit I had to do a Google translation just to be sure I got the title to this blog post right. My lessons in Deutsch haven't gotten me to the point of being able to have a real conversation using the German language yet, but someday I fully intend to be able to do just that.

You know, just in case I run into a real German some where ... like in Germany, for example!

I've always been intrigued by the German language, probably because a large part of my heritage is German.  I'm also part American Indian (Cherokee) English, and a pint or two of Irish (or is it Scottish?) mixed in.

Oh, fine .. born and raised in southern Ohio, I am more plain old "Appalachian" than anything. Not that the Appalachian people are truly plain.  To the contrary, they are fascinating. I've studied that culture a good bit, but I already speak "Appalachian" so, no need to order lessons from "Rosetta Stone"  (No, I don't really believe there is such a course available)

I studied German in high school and am surprised at how much of it is coming back to me in these early lessons.  I also remember enough about it, to not be surprised that the "genders" of nouns still drive me crazy. That part of each lesson is proving to be every bit as difficult for me as it was those many years ago.

Overall, I find this to be encouraging, as I am convinced that all that information is still floating around in my cranium somewhere and will make it easier for me to learn the language beyond reading signs and locating restrooms when the need presents itself.

So, there you have it!

"Ich lerne Deutsch zu sprechen" and I'm having a blast just thinking of how it's going to pay off in the future!

Auf Wiedersehen!
(I didn't even have to Google that one!)

Becky J. Taylor
Bold New Day! LLC
Reinvention Coaching for Women 

Follow Your Passion! Pursue Your Purpose!
Become the Person You Know You Were Born to Be!

(in this case, even if it's an old German woman! lol)

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