My newest grandson arrived Friday, August 20, 2010 at 3:11 p.m. He weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs. 10 oz!
Here are some pictures of the "little" guy:

I've been with my daughters when each of the other grandchildren were born, but I missed Baby James' birth. Common sense mandates that I wait and go to Ohio after Angel gets out of the hospital when I can truly be of assistance to her. I found myself regretting allowing "common sense" to rule though, when Angel developed complications and had to be given general anesthetic for a C-section.
I paced the driveway, phone in hand, waiting for updates from my niece who was there at the hospital in Ohio.
I shouted angrily when I heard how immature everyone was acting in the waiting room 500 miles away. (It happens every time)
I cried when I thought about how scared my daughter must have been when they told her they were going to need to put her under for the C-section.
Then I forgot about it all and smiled when the first photo of my new grandson finally arrived on my telephone screen.

He's perfect!
And I am in love ... again.
"Mamaw" Becky Taylor
August 22,2010
1 comment:
Becky J Taylor
Greetings to you
Grandchild grow up glory
You longevity
Turkt impact in my heart
dr. Sajid Sharif Atiya سجاد الشمري
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