I don't know why, but I've put off mailing in my papers requesting an increase in funds from the ex,to the
Child Support Enforcement Agency.
I filled them out almost a month ago, and noticed at that time the return envelope they provided seemed way to small for the stack of papers I'd been asked to complete and return. I also wanted to write a short note to the case worker explaining a couple items on the forms.
For those two very small reasons, I put the papers back on my "to do" list and didn't get them back out until this morning.
In my own self defense, I should add that the hearing concerning my case won't be held until June 28, which is also the date the papers are due in. I found that a little odd. It took the Child Support Enforcement Agency four weeks to get the papers to me after I first requested them. After that, they gave me (and the ex) six weeks to fill them out and send them back in.
Once they finish reviewing the information and determine if there will be a change in support, it will be another four weeks before the changes take effect.
I did the math .. By the time this is over, I will have waited fourteen weeks for the increase I requested (if they decide I qualify) yet from what I can tell, they will have spent about 20 minutes total plugging in my numbers vs. the ex's numbers to come up with a decision.
No wonder I put it off. It probably took me almost that long just to cram all those papers into the envelope!
I'm trusting all my efforts will pay off and I'll be rewarded with some financial help from Adam's father. I have a stack of medical bills from the kid's hospitalization and numerous E.R. visits last year, none of which I've had any assistance with from the ex.
I can only hope ... and pray I manage to walk these papers out to the mailbox sometime within the next week!
Becky Taylor
Bold New Day! LLC
Personal Development Coaching for Women
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